Computers in the Workplace


Computers have become an integral part of the education industry and have transformed how students learn, teachers teach, and educational institutions operate. One of the ways computers have changed the education industry is by changing how students and teachers access information. Computers have made accessing vast information online, including textbooks, research papers, articles, and multimedia resources, easier for students and teachers. This very class is a perfect example. Even though we all live in different areas around the world, we are all still able to learn together.  In addition, computers have also made it a lot easier to perform administrative tasks. For example, computers are used for assessing student performance, grading assignments, and providing feedback. This enables teachers to identify areas where students need improvement and personalize learning to meet their needs. However, if teachers are not computer literate, their jobs will be a lot harder. For example, assessing students' performance, such as grading assignments and providing feedback, will prove much more difficult without the help of a computer.

Most importantly, a teacher must be computer literate to pass on their knowledge to their students. Students begin to learn how to use a computer early in elementary school. By fifth grade, kids should be able to use a computer comfortably. If a teacher is not computer literate, their students will not be able to get the most out of the curriculum. Computers will be increasingly important in education in the next ten years. AI will become very prevalent in the education industry. We are already starting to see it more and more today. Grammarly has had an AI program for years that helps suggest corrections for grammar and spelling automatically. Spotify recently implemented an AI DJ that plays music based on your taste. The AI delivers commentary in between tracks talking about artists and music genres it thinks you will like in a stunningly realistic voice. I am sure that AI will find its niche in the education industry. Technology will only become more prevalent in the education industry with time. 


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