Programming is widely regarded as one of the most challenging practices to master. However, mastering the fundamentals is essential when learning a new skill. Learning programming languages is one of the most important fundamentals to becoming a good programmer. Using simple tools such as Scratch to lay the groundwork for eventually mastering the craft is critical. Learning the logic of how computers think is all part of mastering the basics. Initially, I required assistance in understanding how to create a program. I kept dragging and dropping blocks, but the animations were jerky. I followed the Scratch website's tutorial and watched some YouTube videos on creating a Scratch program. I was dragging, dropping, and enjoying watching my animation after I saw how it was done. For each action you want to take, you must enter a command. For example, if you want the animation to restart from the beginning, you must enter a command, or it will run off the screen. You cannot assume that the program will automatically reset.The high-level programming language section of the textbook took a lot of work to grasp. I needed help understanding the conversions to assembly language. I need help understanding how to do the math with the M's and numbers. The python activity was easier for me to understand. I was able to complete the activities and get the correct answers. Python is much easier than the previous high-level programming language introduced in 2.10. The high-level language is probably used for simpler tasks, while Python is used for more complex tasks. Python is the most popular programming language due to its simplicity and availability.
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